Become an Eco Entrepreneur

While you help us save tropical dry forests, we give you a digital presence to increase your sales

With your contribution you will have access to the eco store for your customers to buy from you online.



We plant your tree and baptize it with the name you choose, either for you or for the person you want to give it to.


Single Payment Plans

Do you need a virtual space to promote your business?

With Bosque Nagal you can upload your products or services in our marketplace and web directory to sell more, and you will also contribute a grain of sand to the environment by adopting a tree.

Benefits of being an Eco Entrepreneur


Get your online store with a payment gateway at no cost of sale.


Receive discounts in more than 700 partner companies and network with our community of companies and people.


Use our environmental seal.


Appear in our Eco Companies directory so that more people know about your business.

redes sociales

Have a pattern on social networks.


Carry out eco tourism in our areas.


Adoption certificate and tree plaque.

Benefits of planting a tree

You help us conserve tropical dry forests, 2 water springs, native species and you support the livelihood of rural families that generate different income alternatives due to the Eco Tourism of the people who visit our forest and the care with the maintenance of the area.



Why support rural families?

Rural families are essential for the production of excellent quality food, conservation of biodiversity, supply and consolidation of local markets and cooperation networks in rural areas.

Why be an eco company?

Tree planting, conserving more than 130,000 adult trees and two water springs in our forest. In addition, you get great benefits such as: enhancing your public image, positioning yourself as an environmental benchmark, and promoting a more innovative and dynamic environment.

Currently, we have more than 700 eco-companies that help us make this work possible and in turn benefit from new suppliers, new clients and new followers on their social networks.

Bosque Nagal protects forests and their biodiversity, in order to contribute to the maintenance and prolongation of a healthy environment for humanity.

How to be an eco company?

The requirements to be an environmentally friendly company and enjoy its benefits are two:

Adopt a tree with Bosque Nagal for a six-monthly or annual period (Renewal is voluntary).

Offer a discount to eco-friendly and eco-businesses (the percentage of the discount is defined by the company or enterprise itself, preferably from 5% onwards).

How does the Eco store and the eco directory work?

By belonging to the eco companies we will give you a user in our Eco online store. In which, you can sell your products with any payment method and at no cost of sale. In addition, you will appear in our directory of eco companies and you will be able to enjoy incredible discounts or alliances with allied companies.

Can I visit my trees?

You can carry out ecotourism and take your family or friends to live a rural experience with Bosque Nagal.

The rural experience includes: Food, snacks, lodging, transportation from Pailitas to the forest and personalized guides.

Can I bring companions when visiting my tree?

People who wish to visit the forest must inform a week in advance. From our contact form or our social networks you can schedule your visit.

Where is my tree located?

Our forest is located in the Municipality of Pailitas in the Department of Cesar in Colombia. There we are adopted nationally and internationally. Similarly, adopting a tree will send you the GPS location of the tree.

How can I access the exact location of my tree?

By receiving your GPS location you will be able to access the exact location of your tree through latitude and longitude coordinates within a geographic information system. Access here to see tutorial:

What happens if I stop renewing my tree?

If a person or company cannot continue sponsoring the tree, Bosque Nagal will continue to care for it until its adult stage. However, the person or business will not be able to continue their assigned benefits. In the same way, at any time they can recover their tree.

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Our objective is to help people and companies with their carbon footprint, offering them emission compensation services.

Fill in the following form and we will contact you to help you:

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(+57) 318 229 5055

Office hours M-F

9AM a 6PM

@ Copyright BosqueNagal. All Rights Reserved.

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